SOCIALMEDIA + TECHNOLOGY – I.T. and card payments
Although Camboats operate a traditional narrowboat and an Eco-Solar Electric catamaran, we are creative with our use of technology and social media.
Below are links to various Social Media Accounts we have – however if you are looking to book or want to ask questions then please use the CONTACT PAGE info, not social media platforms. As a family business we ask this so that we can give you a timely reply. We do not monitor social media platforms 24/7….!
Credit/Debit Card
and Smartphone payments
We also have a mobile card reader,
allowing passengers on trips to pay
by debit/credit card or smartphone account.
Credit and Debit card payments
Click on the logos of the following social media and online account links, they will open in a new window.
Please note we do not take any responsibility for external web content – please browse responsibly !
Instagram Account – coming soon
TikTok Account – coming soon